Friday, July 20, 2007


The class is wonderful! 25 out of 29 scored FULL MARKS for spelling! *Hurray* *Clap*
I've just marked the test papers and 28 out of 29 pass.
I was very happy marking the English worksheet on 'The Gruffalo" just now. I am glad all of you like the story! =DDDD I can see a lot of efforts from all of you! Nice drawings and colourings! I am also very happy that most of you managed to give me reasons why you like the story.
I shall give 2 Enterprise 11 claps! =p

Here's pictures of what you did on Thursday for group works. =)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

2 Et, Remember what we did for our first lesson on Money?

=) Finally today marks the end of the topic 'Money'! Hurray! Hehe.

Are you ready for the next topic? =D

Friday, July 13, 2007

5 Resilence! =)

I really enjoyed the first lesson with all of you! =) Enjoy the NE show tmr!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

2 Et - 12th July 2007

I hope everyone enjoyed the singing session. Hehe.

Here u go pictures took today.

Miss Leong

Saturday, July 7, 2007

"Money" (2 Et)

Hi everyone,

here's what we did for our Money topic lesson two. =)

Hope everyone had fun! ^_^

Miss Leong

Friday, July 6, 2007

Seal and sea lion, are they the same?

the above question was brought up by my student. I like this question a lot and thought of bringing this up to you too. =)

So my dear students,

What's the difference between seal and sea lion?

The differences are very clearly being illustrated by this picture. =)

Sea lions show external ear flaps while seals show only ear holes.
Sea lions have long, hairless, front flippers with short nails while seals have short, fur-covered front flippers with long claws.
Sea lions can rotate their hind flippers forward to walk on land while seals hold their hind flippers straight and move on land in a forward rolling motion of their bellies.
Sea lions whiskers are smooth while most seal whiskers are beaded or crimped.

so now you all are experts in identifying seals and sea lions! =D

Sunday, July 1, 2007

A lovely day!

Oh it's the first time I see Jinhao's (Danny's) brother and he's SO CUTE !!! ADORABLE!! *pinch* Both of them look alike! =p

Oh time to "sabo" teacher!

Haha "botak" Arthur!

Naughty Chen Bin

Yang Ming and ........ guess who? (*Zhijun)

Xueting, me and Clara



I m glad to be back for Open House. I enjoyed myself a lot! Thanks kids! Miss you a lot! It's so much fun just being with you all! =D