Fun Outdoor Trip to Singapore Science Centre! =D

Singapore Science Centre on 30.07.2008

On the bus...

In Science Centre...

Snack Time!

The exhibits...

Time to go home...

Hope everyone enjoyed this trip! =D

Singapore Garden Festival on 25th July 2008

The tickets to the paradise!

I felt in love with these!

Oh how I wish I can take all these home!

I want a home like this!

I'm surrounded with beautiful flowers...

Games time!

Cute cupcakes!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

ART by 3B3

The Tortoise and the Hare


Properties of Materials

Revision time! We played this in class last week. Hope you like this.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


4 sides of an ordinary box.

Fairy Tales, Fables and Folk Tales.

Creative Art Work