Friday, January 28, 2011

Thanks, Sonya! =D

You are so sweet!
Thanks, Sonya!

Thanks, Jefferson and Family!

Hey, look! Who did I capture in this photograph?

*drum rolls*

Jing En!!!


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Science Journal

Dear 3-1,

We are starting on our Science journal from tomorrow onwards.
Let's work together to make it a successful one. =)

Miss Leong

I feel so loved! Thanks, Keona~

It's so sweet of you. =)
That's my favourite Powerpuff Girls!
Thank you so much, my dear!

More Art Pieces for Miss Leong to admire~

I really enjoy teaching P4.2 Art because all of them are so artistic!
Keep up the good work!
I'm looking forward to seeing all of you! =)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Spot The Mistakes

Anyone spotted the mistakes here?


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

English Diagnostic Test

Keona and Jun Yi scored FULL marks for the English Diagnostic Test!
*11 claps for them*
I'm so proud of you! =)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Science Lessons

Dear P3/1,

We are using the Diversity textbook for Term 1 Science.
Please do NOT bring the other Science textbooks. =)

Miss Leong

Spelling List Term 1

Dear P3/1,

Please add these words to your spelling list.
It will be tested. =)

Week 3

11. classification

12. characteristic

13. similarities

14. differences

15. diversity

Week 4

11. reproduce

12. non-living thing

Week 5

11. respond

12. appearance

Week 6

11. mammals

12. hippopotamus

13. rhinoceros

14. ferret

15. giraffe

Week 7

11. porcupine

12. platypus

13. anteater

14. thorax

15. abdomen

Week 8

11. antennae

12. gills

Thank you so much!
Good luck!

Miss Leong

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Escher's cute butterfly

Better late than never.

Good job. Keep this up. =)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Grouping and Group Colour

Dear pupils,

I've made minor changes to the groups' colours.

Here's the most updated information.

Red: Jervis, Hamzah, Xin Qi, Daryl, Hui Hui, Shawn, Sonya, Castell (8)
Yellow: Jing Jie, Jun Yi, Pei Yi, Penny, Hafizah, Jefferson (6)
Blue: Eejay, Celeste, Rong Quan, Jing Siong, Hean Zhor, Yu Xin, Zuo Wei, Ee Zoe, Wen Bin (9)
Green: Reyes, Jing En, Joel, Vernon, Keona, Wei Guang, Ruo Yun, Kavan (8)
Violet: Wei Xiang, Eryca, Jeun Yee, Mridula, Zhi Yuan, Yee Ann, Darren, Escher (8)

Enjoy your weekend. =)


FTGP stands for Form Teacher's Guidance Period. =)
The central idea behind FTGP is to provide time within the curriculum to engage in quality interactions and help you to strengthen social and emotional competencies.
The FTGP constitutes a 30-minute period every Monday.
During FTGP, we will play activities so as to build a safe classroom environment and to enhance teacher-pupil bonding.

Friday, January 7, 2011

It's Friday! =)

Dear 3/1,

This is the end of the orientation.
From next week onwards, we are going to embark on our learning journey.
Do remember to bring your textbooks. =)
Make full use of this weekend to revise on your basic grammar such as



and verb.

Let's learn together!
Lastly, I shall end this post with the picture of our noticeboard.

- Our Big Family -

Miss Leong

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Swim Safer Programme 2011

Dear Parents,

You should have received 2 letters with regards to the "Swim Safer Programme". Please take note that the programme will commence on the 10th January 2011 (Monday). This is compulsory for all pupils. You need to pay $8 in cash tomorrow to me. Please fill in the reply slip and return to me by tomorrow.

You may be interested to find out more details about this programme.
Venue: At Republic Polytechnic Swimming Pool
Reporting Time to School: 7 a.m. (This is very important.)
Attire: Wear the Swimming Costume inside and on the outside, they can wear PE Attire.
Footwear: Wear sandals to report to school. Keep their school shoes inside their bags.
Things to bring for swimming: Towel, swimming goggles and a bag to contain their wet clothes (please avoid those common plastic bags such as the NTUC bag as children tend to take the wrong bag).

I hope this will clarify any doubts.
Thank you so much for your cooperation and understanding.

Miss Leong

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Beautiful Butterflies

Are you anxious to know which are the five I've selected for the best butterflies?

*drum rolls*

~ Jing Siong, Wei Guang, Jervis, Hamzah and Yu Xin ~

Congratulations!! =D

You've won yourself a lollipop!

See you tomorrow. =)

Miss Leong's 38 Unique Colours

Waiting for Kavan's crayon to make this picture complete!
Kavan, all of us are waiting for you!
Take very good care of yourself.
Hope to see you soon!

P3/1 Photos

Hello Everyone,

Here's the photographs taken today. =)