Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I found these photos.

Jing Siong.

For those of you who were curious about the stickers in my Science Journal, I bought all of them from Popular bookshop.


Various questions were being asked during Science lesson today.

1. Are seahorses mammals or fish?
Ans: They are fish.
a) Mammals are animals with hair on their bodies but seahorses do not have hair or fur.
b) Seahorses use gills to breathe so they are fish. The gills are located at the back of their heads.
c) Seahorses have three fins that help them swim so they are fish. They have a dorsal fin on their back and two pectoral fins on each side of the neck.

2. Do seahorses give birth or lay eggs?
Ans: Seahorses reproduce by laying eggs. We had an interesting debate over this question. The male seahorse has a pouch and the female seahorse deposits up to 1500 eggs in the male pouch. The male carries the eggs until the eggs hatch in the pouch. The seahorse babies are released into the water.


From Keona

From Kavan

From Reyes

I feel so loved by YOU!

Thank you so much!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Xin Qi

Xin Qi's group won the best costume award and second in position!!!



No remedial this Wednesday.

Dear All,

Just a gentle reminder that there will be NO remedial this Wednesday.
Please concentrate on your Science paper this Thursday.
Good luck!

Miss Leong

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Our Learning Journal

I've asked Jing Siong to work on the learning journal first so that I can show all of you.

I will give you more details on it tomorrow.

Good night. ^_*

My Top 3 For Science Topical Test 1


You'll be having Science Topical Test 2 soon.

Let's see who will be the top 3 for the Topical Test 2.

Good luck!

Grouping for The Gruffalo

Group 1:
Gruffalo - Hui Hui
Owl - Sonya
Mouse - Jing Siong
Fox - Hamzah
Snake - Keona

Group 2:
Gruffalo - Hean Zhor
Owl - Joel
Mouse - Kavan
Fox - Mridula
Snake - Penny

Group 3:
Gruffalo - Eryca
Owl - Jun Yi
Mouse - Shawn
Fox - Jefferson
Snake - Pei Yi

Group 4:
Gruffalo - Darren
Owl - Yu Xin
Mouse - Ruo Yun
Fox - Ee Zoe
Snake - Wei Guang

Group 5:
Gruffalo - Reyes
Owl - Rong Quan
Mouse - Escher
Fox - Joel
Snake - Xin Qi

Group 6:
Gruffalo - Jervis
Owl - Eejay
Mouse - Jing Jie
Fox - Jing En
Snake - Zhi Yuan

Group 7:
Gruffalo - Jeun Yee
Owl - Yee Ann
Mouse - Daryl
Fox - Hafizah
Snake - Vernon

Group 8:
Gruffalo - Castell
Owl - Wen Bin
Mouse - Celeste
Fox - Zuo Wei
Snake - Wei Xiang

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Xin Qi's performance in The Sheng Siong Show

Dear Pupils,

Xin Qi will be performing in The Sheng Siong Show on Mediacorp Channel 8.
The details are as below:
Date: 20th February 2011 (Sunday)
Time: 8p.m.

All the best to you!
We will give your our moral support!
*11 claps* for Xin Qi.

Miss Leong

The Gruffalo Performance

I hope all of you enjoyed the performance by Jing Siong, Hamzah, Sonya, Keona and Hui Hui.
I gave the script on the spot and made them perform immediately.
I think they did a great job!
Thank you so much!

The Drawing and Labelling of The Gruffalo

... Oh!
Who is this creature with terrible claws
And terrible teeth in his terrible jaws?
He has knobbly knees and turned-out toes
And, a poisonous wart at the end of his nose.
His eyes are orange, his tongue is black;
He has purple prickles all over his back.

Oh help! Oh no!


Time to draw and label The Gruffalo.

Stay tuned to see the final product at the end of the day.



Young Scientist Cards

Take a look at Wei Guang's Seed Garden!
Isn't it lovely?

Are you inspired now?


Our Math Genius~

It's Valentine's Day.
I received a surprise from 3/1.


Let me present to you the 7 pupils who
scored FULL marks for the Mathematics Topical Test 1.

The 3 girls: Penny, Ruoyun and Yee Ann.
The 4 boys: Kavan, Jing Siong, Shawn and Joel

Oh, it's Jefferson's and Xin Qi's birthday today too.
Happy Birthday!


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mathematics Topical Test 1

Only 7 of you managed to score FULL marks for your Mathematics Topical Test.

My dearest Joel is one of the 7 who scored full marks..
Guess who the other 6 pupils are.
I shall reveal on Monday.

I'm proud to tell you that 35 out of 39 pupils scored A and above.
The other 4 pupils have to work doubly hard from now onwards.
I hope to see ALL of you getting A for your next Topical Test.
Let's learn and work hard together as a class!

Miss Leong

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


You need to find a topic (e.g. giraffe) that you are interested in.
1. You need to write down what do you know about the topic (e.g. giraffe) in the 'K' column.
2. You think of what you wish to know about giraffe and set goals specifically on what you want to learn in the 'W' column.
3. Find the answers to your questions in the book and note down in 'L' column.
4. Go back to the 'K' column to check if your prior knowledge (as indicated in the 'K' column) is inaccurate. Re-write the statements to correct your mistakes.

Here's an example of how the KWL chart should look like. =)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

How's your Chinese New Year so far?

I had a really enjoyable mini CNY celebration.

Take a look at the cute Scrabby - miniature Schnauzer.


See you soon!

From Keona

This is so cute!
Thank you so much, Keona!
I love it! =)