Various questions were being asked during Science lesson today.
1. Are seahorses mammals or fish?
Ans: They are fish.
a) Mammals are animals with hair on their bodies but seahorses do not have hair or fur.
b) Seahorses use gills to breathe so they are fish. The gills are located at the back of their heads.
c) Seahorses have three fins that help them swim so they are fish. They have a dorsal fin on their back and two pectoral fins on each side of the neck.

2. Do seahorses give birth or lay eggs?
Ans: Seahorses reproduce by laying eggs. We had an interesting debate over this question. The male seahorse has a pouch and the female seahorse deposits up to 1500 eggs in the male pouch. The male carries the eggs until the eggs hatch in the pouch. The seahorse babies are released into the water.