Monday, October 27, 2008

I was chatting with my colleague...

We were discussing about the trip to St Patrick's School and the overall experience/insights we have gained from this trip. Even though it was just a brief 40 minutes session with them, their laughter was infectious! As I am the one in-charge of analysing the data of the 4 boys, I have watched the video and listened to the audio for so many times and amazingly, I'm not bored with it at all! I'm so happy to receive a reply from one of the boys. He's very sweet.

That's his reply:

"Haha! Dont worry about it. I guess we had quite a fun time ourselves as well!
Thanks for the experience you've given us and

Well, its now holidays :P"

=) If I have the chance to teach in a secondary school, I will definitely apply for St Patrick. As the PE t-shirts suggest,

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