Friday, October 17, 2008

My Favourite Teachers

As a student, the teachers who motivated me into studying hard were those that show genuine care and concern for their students with interesting delivery of lessons. My favourite teachers are those who stretch me to my limit, motivate me to study hard and make a difference in my life.

Let's start from my primary school --
Shuqun Primary School. Being an active student, recess was my most precious time as it was the only time to play in school. As a result, skipping meals became a bad habit I had cultivated. Guess what happened? Yes, gastric pain! During lesson time, my gastric started to give me problems, sometimes driving me into tears. Mr Paul Ng, a very kind teacher of mine, never fails to show me care and concern whenever I suffered from gastric pain. I can still remember his expression every time he took care of me. He took me down to a room whereby I rested, bought food for me and made sure I was well taken care of. This sweet teacher left the deepest impression in my heart and for sure, he will always be in my heart.

After 'O' level, I went to take 'A' level. My literature teachers were the best! Every single lesson was interesting and stimulating! I never yawned in their class! The novels brought me into another world, another era! I love "Tess of the d'urbervilles", "Hedda Gabler", the works of William Shakespeare and the poems! My first encounter to literary criticism sparks off my interest in literature!

Recently.. the lecturer who motivates me and gave me the confidence is... Alvin! His passion to teach and his enthusiasm translate to my passion to teach! It is amazing how teachers can touch one's life and make an impact on them. I aim to be a teacher like him, an enthusiastic teacher who goes the extra mile to understand and help students!

Dear students,

I am your teacher and can be your friend too! =)

Miss Leong

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