Thursday, November 13, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

Hehe here's my plan for my holiday!

18th Nov - Holland Village + Orchard Road
19th Nov - Novena Square
20th Nov - Back to WTPS (PSLE Result)
21st Nov - Date with the babes
22nd Nov - Wii
26th Nov - Shop for Christmas gifts
15th Dec - Friend's ROM
20th Dec - Pray
22nd Dec - WTPS gathering
24th Dec - Christmas Countdown Party
25th Dec - Christmas gathering
30th Dec - My Birthday!!
31st Dec - Countdown Party - Welcome 2009!

Still have ...
- Hanabi
- Waraku
- Date with my childhood friend
- Bowling
- East Coast
- Date with Miss Oh
- Meeting with my cute helpers for the upcoming WTPS gathering


From mid-December onwards, I am going to give tuition to Jinhao's brother. =D

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