Friday, November 14, 2008


Studying in NIE can be pretty exciting with a bunch of wonderful friends!

They are my darlings!

First, my best friend - Jannah!

Babe, I really love you a lot! All those nights together, "Breeks-ing, Starbucks-ing and KTV-ing", were the memorable moments, seeing us through this unique friendship between us! =D

Second, the girl who loves to act cute - Milz!

Suppers, rotting together in our hostel and all the secrets you have shared with me, strengthen our friendship with TLC! Haha! =P

Third, the prettiest ex-air-stewardess - Claudia!
*Denise is Derek's sister who is extremely adorable and irresistible!

I'm honoured to have such a pretty babe as my friend! Let's go to our favourite Cookie Museum soon!

Fourth, the cutest girl - Carmen!

Forever cheerful and her smile is infectious! =) Waraku again? Hehe.

Fifth, I'm not heartless. I am not forgetting my Social Studies gang who accompanied me through these 2 years! Hey boys, no mushy words but appreciate all the things you've done. Thank you for giving in to me 24/7. Haha!

-Kelvin, Derek, Me, Seng Kuang and Melvin-

Fifth, not forgetting the sexy babe - Audrey!

All those sexy moves and cute laughter of yours drive me crazy!


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