Friday, November 21, 2008


Yesterday, I went back to WTPS with my pupils. I'm happy to see some of the familiar faces including ex-colleagues like Kumar, Jumari and Bee Ling. Finally, the long awaited PSLE results were released. Some cried. Some screamed. Some smiled. Teq was too nervous and afraid to see her result. The moment she got her result, she ran to pass me her result slip. I'm honoured to be the first person to view it. =) The pupils crowded around one another and sharing this moment of joy and sadness (for some) together. For those who did not do up to your expectation, did not do well enough to get into the school you wanted, did not perform good enough to go to the express stream, don't give up! This journey is an extremely long one. God will not help those who don't help themselves. I'm confident of your ability to excel so never give up!

After that, a few of us (Miss Oh, Jinhao, Yuzhi, Kelvin, Tequila, Clara and Xueting) went to AMK hub for lunch. Kent!! Sorry!!!! =X I shall let the photos do the talking.

After lunch, we roamed around AMK aimlessly!!! We decided to go to Miss Oh's house. Thank you Miss Oh!!

It's about 6 when we left Miss Oh's house! The peak hour was a horrible experience! The train was .... extremely crowded!!!!!!!!!!!! We reached Sunplaza at about 6 plus, wanting to buy KFC back to my house but the queue was too long. We decided to call KFC delivery instead as we were rushing back to watch my "七兄弟" and their "十兄弟". Hahaha Only those who were there yesterday will get the joke. =(

The kids left my house at about 9. I was very tired after the long day. I went to sleep after my "不凡的爱".

That's all for today. I am leaving my house soon. I am meeting my babes today!!! Yeah! =D

PS: Sorry Melvin, Seng Kuang, Derek, Kelvin, Claudia and Carmen for not being able to join all of you yesterday!

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