Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Monday, December 29, 2008

Birthday Greetings from a dedicated lecturer

"Happy birthday, Alice! Have a great year ahead. See you next sem/year/week!"

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Birthday Presents from Cousins!

This rabbit is sooooooo cute! I love to hug it! =DD Moreover it's in my favourite PINK colour! =X

Cute stationery added to my bag!! =)





Friday, December 26, 2008

To Kelvin's house!

Take a look at Kelvin's house!

Surprise! There's Nintendo Wii! =D

Yu Zhi playing DDR!

Thanks Kelvin for the invitation! =D

Presents from the brothers!


Ferrero Rocher from Jia Hao!

Cute piglet HP holder from Jin Hao! Love it!

Thank you Jia Hao and Jin Hao!

Good Boy!

Sms from my dear boy --

"Haha I go SP arcade a while then went home le. (listen to you der)"

好乖! =)

New tiles!

My living room looks brighter with the new tiles! =DDD I like it!

More Presents

This monkey is EXTREMELY cute!!!!!!!! THANK YOU COUSIN!

I LOVE it a lot! =DDDDD

The Chalet 22/12 - 24/12

The Room

The Kids

Yuzhi and Kelvin


Slippers and bags

Escape Theme Park where all the screaming begins ... =X

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Final Confirmation

Boys and Girls,

Here are the confirmation details on the gathering.

Date: 22nd December
Time: 1pm
Meeting Venue: Sembawang MRT
Destination: Downtown East

For those who are joining us for Wild Wild Wet on the 22nd December

Please bring enough money for Wild Wild Wet ($10.50) and meals. Do bring along with you swimsuit and extra clothings too. =)

For those who are joining us for Escape Theme Park on the 23rd December

Please bring enough money for Escape Theme Park ($8.90) and meals. Give any one of us (Me, Miss Oh, Yuzhi, Kelvin, Jinhao, Tequila) a call upon arrival.

For those who are staying ... (Yuzhi, Kelvin, Jinhao, Tequila and Clara)

Needless to say... money! Here's the list of items you should pack...

1. Clothings (up to you how many sets do you want to bring)
2. Toothpaste (I'm bringing Colgate Professional Clean. We can share if you don't mind.)
3. Toothbrush
4. Shower Gel
5. Shampoo
6. Towel
7. Jacket
8. Water Bottle
9. Chargers (Hp, PSP etc)
10. Plastic Bags (to put the wet clothings!)
11. Swimsuit

That's all.. I'm looking forward to meet all of you! See you!!!

Miss Leong

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Hopscotch is a traditional children's game!

I used to play with my neighbours daily without fail just like Zero Point and 5 Stones! =X

Now my living room is a perfect place to play Hopscotch!


Thursday, December 18, 2008


Miss Leong is very busy these few days. Thank you so much for your help! I really appreciate it! =)

Latest Update

Early in the morning, I'm happy to hear from the boys on the Secondary 1 posting results. Congratulation boys and girls! You have offically graduated from Wellington Primary School! =D All the best to all of you. 4 years down the road and hope I will still be there with all of you to receive your 'O' level results! =D

Tomorrow is the day!

First day of repair of the dislodged tiles. I guess they will start with the hacking of the tiles first... Gosh. I am totally not ready for the noise pollution and dust! =(


15th December (Monday)
I went to my friend's ROM. It started with an extremely heavy rain which totally ruined my mood. It took about 30 minutes for me to book a cab! I was late for 10 minutes. The simple affair ended at around 12.30pm.

I'm so upset! I used to have a cup 5 years ago but accidentally broke it 3 years ago. I love this cup a lot! It brought me a lot of lovely memories... I was so happy to see it at AMK hub a year ago and bought it immediately. Now .... the clumsy me broke my favourite cup again !!! =~~

16th December (Tuesday)
It's only a 3 days 2 nights chalet but my luggage is so heavy! Hahaha~ I'm excited! I can't wait to go to DTE with the kids!

17th December (Today)
Jiahao (Justin) gave me a lollipop and a piece of cake! =) After tuition, I went to Chong Pang to collect my jersey. Hehe =D Yeah!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Nerd's Marathon

I am starting on this insane drama marathon from this minute on. What do I have with me here?

Heroes Season 1, 2 and 3! These can keep me occupied for days... weeks perhaps...! What a "meaningful" way to spend the holiday! Woohoo! I am excited!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Action City

Action City is really a sin city! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! It's so tempting!!!!!!!!! Kawaii!!!!!


After tuition, Jinhao and Yuzhi brought me to the place to make my jersey! Thank you boys! =D After that, we took cab to Marina Square for lunch at Waraku. The boys accompanied me to buy Royce chocolates before heading back to Sunplaza to meet up with the rest (Teq, Kel, Jiahao & Yuhui). Some other ex-wellington pupils were there too such as JJ.

Let the photos do the talking. =)

Social Studies?

My P4 class (SQPS) loves these 2 video clips.

They like to sing along with the video. I miss their singing!

We Live In Singapura

NS Song

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


In the middle of the night, at around 4.30am, all alone, I walked out of my room to investigate the source of the loud noises. The moment I stepped into the living room, I felt the vibration! It's so scary!!! Earthquake? The floor tiles cracked!!! I panicked!!! The sound of the tiles cracking was extremely loud and frightening!!! It lasted for about 2 hours.. =~~~~~~

At 8.30am sharp, I called HDB and asked for immediate attention to this issue. The staff came to inspect the dislodged tiles and will carry out the repair soon. I asked for an explanation and the reason they gave was "due to thermal expansion and contraction of the tiles". The repair involves hacking of the entire flooring in the living room and replacing it with new tiles. This spells trouble and inconvenience to me!!! ARGH!!! I have to think of ways to move all the furnitures in the living room to the other bedrooms! AWW! I am already very occupied every day even though this is my holiday. Do you have to add on more to my busy schedule?

This is so sad! *sob*

They will start the repair from 18th December onwards. I will be monitoring the progress of the repair. However... there's a problem... The repair will take 7 days (excluding weekends)!!!! Gosh!

I need to make arrangement with my family members so that I can still go ahead with my plans - chalet with the kids from 22nd to 24th December.

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Smart, The Cute and The Tough Ones

I'm 6 years behind.

The movie debuted on 2002. It was more or less a prelude of the television series, telling the story of how the Powerpuff Girls were created and how they came to be the defenders of Townsville, USA.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

My bag


No wonder my bag is sooo heavy!

Friday, December 5, 2008


First birthday card of the year in my mailbox! Thanks!!! =DD

25 more days to my birthday ...


After Tuition

After tuition, I walked to Sunplaza with Jinhao and joined the rest (Yuzhi, Kelvin, Clara, Jiahao and Yuhui) at the arcade for a while.

Here's my lunch!

Bought Garnier Brightening Eye Roll-On!


Monday, December 1, 2008

Shopping Addict In Action Again

Cookie Museum

-Me and my pretty cousin-

After afternoon tea, we went to ...