Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tomorrow is the day!

First day of repair of the dislodged tiles. I guess they will start with the hacking of the tiles first... Gosh. I am totally not ready for the noise pollution and dust! =(


15th December (Monday)
I went to my friend's ROM. It started with an extremely heavy rain which totally ruined my mood. It took about 30 minutes for me to book a cab! I was late for 10 minutes. The simple affair ended at around 12.30pm.

I'm so upset! I used to have a cup 5 years ago but accidentally broke it 3 years ago. I love this cup a lot! It brought me a lot of lovely memories... I was so happy to see it at AMK hub a year ago and bought it immediately. Now .... the clumsy me broke my favourite cup again !!! =~~

16th December (Tuesday)
It's only a 3 days 2 nights chalet but my luggage is so heavy! Hahaha~ I'm excited! I can't wait to go to DTE with the kids!

17th December (Today)
Jiahao (Justin) gave me a lollipop and a piece of cake! =) After tuition, I went to Chong Pang to collect my jersey. Hehe =D Yeah!

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