Sunday, January 18, 2009


name 10 things you love:
1) my room
2) retail therapy
3) spending a lazy afternoon with my best friend
4) trimmed eyebrows
5) my cable tv
6) manicure + pedicure
7) massages
8) Powerpuff Girls
9) plush toys
10) Anything PINK

name 10 food items you love:
1) fried chicken
2) fruits eg bananas, seedless grapes, mangoes, strawberries, mangosteens
3) ice cream
4) Royce chocolate
5) roti prata
6) Japanese food eg katsudon, ebi tempura
7) Western food eg chicken chop
8) Ban Mian
9) Bibimbap
10) snacks

name 10 things you hate:
1) exams / assignments
2) waking up early in the morning
3) hot weather
4) unpredictable situations
5) clubbing
6) Hello Kitty
7) bills
8) pimples
9) lizards
10) my hair and skin

name 10 food items you hate:
1) vegetables except spinach and cabbage
2) vegetables
3) vegetables
4) vegetables
5) vegetables
6) vegetables
7) vegetables
8) vegetables
9) vegetables
10) needless to say ... vegetables! Oops. =X

name 10 things people might not know:
1) I may appear to be arrogant. Don't get me wrong. I am just insecure.
2) I like to collect stuffs related to 'Alice in Wonderland'.
3) I can be extremely anti-social.
4) I don't respect people who don't respect themselves or me.
5) I am stern.
6) I can't stand nonsense.
7) I hate studying but love teaching. =.=""
8) I sleep excessively when I am sad/unhappy/stressed.
9) I always try to be low profile and dislike unnecessary attention.
10) I need to visit the doctor twice a year for check-ups.

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