Sunday, January 4, 2009


I didn't go to Jia Hao's place today. I was too weak to do so.

It's not just the diarrhoea...

It's the ...



My face turned pale instantly last night.

I feel so horrible!

I searched for medicine but there was NONE at home besides panadol extra...

Where's my Po Chai Pills???? !!!!

It's my miracle pills!!! This traditional herbal medicine is my miracle pills for stomachache and diarrhoea!


I turned to my dearest Yu Yee Oil for comfort and rubbed a lot of it on my stomach.

This time round, it didn't help.


It's ... FOOD POISONING!!!!!!

*cry out loud*

Hopefully, I will feel better tomorrow.

P.S: Thank you Jin Hao for your concern. =)

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