Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Ankle

I thought everything should be fine since I am able to walk. I decided to see the doctor yesterday when I saw my swollen ankle. He scolded me for delaying the treatment. It was rather serious and now I have to visit the doctor on alternate days (three times a week)! ARGH! The process was so painful! I think I cried a bit. Hahaha oops! I am sure my screaming did scare away some of the patients who were waiting outside the room. HAHAHA!

Instructions given by the doctor

1. Do not exercise for at least half a month.

(Don't worry doctor because I don't exercise at all so this should not be a problem to me at all! =X)

2. No cold drinks!

(This is killing me! I tried to replace ice milo with hot milo. I tried to replace ice water with warm water. BUT WHAT ABOUT MY COKE? *SOB*)

3. Take your medicine regularly.

(Oops. I hate pills! Taking 5 pills at one go is TORTUROUS!)

4. Take plenty of rest if possible.

(I am too busy to do so. I am now taking a longer route back home so that I do not have to fight the battle with the stupid bridge! I am taking twice the effort to walk and the speed is half of my normal speed! This is so time-consuming!)

5. Visit the doctor on alternate days.

(I will... My parents will nag at me and force me to go even if I am lazy/unwilling to go... )

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