Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Money 29.06.2010

Dear P2/3,

I hope all of you enjoyed the group work on Money today.

Here's the pictures of your work! =D

I like this the most! Well done!
Done by Dasmond, Ashley, Shi Ting, Shaikhal, Ye Kai and Lee Chong

Done by Haikal, Jing Jie, Jin Qin, Sanjida, Sharik and Anson

I can't find a single mistake! Good Job!
Done by Ze Ee, Yu Xuan, Nabil, Praveen and Ching Chu.

Done by Eejay, Jervis, Caleb and Hazimah.

Done by Nashita, Vernon, Zenn, Irwin, Hariz and Mridula

Miss Leong

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