Monday, March 21, 2011

To the Science Centre again...

This time round, I went with P3/2.


Let the pictures do the talking.

Miss Leong

Friday, March 18, 2011

Young Scientist Card and IREAD

Dear All,

Just a gentle reminder that you have to COMPLETE your Young Scientist Card and IREAD when school reopens.
I'm looking forward to seeing all of you on Monday.
Let's make Term 2 of 2011 an exciting and enriching learning journey.

Miss Leong

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Japan is facing its worst crisis in the 65 years since the end of World War II after the country was devastated by a huge earthquake and tsunami.
The crisis began with Friday's massive 8.9-magnitude earthquake and tsunami disaster, the worst on record in Japan.
The situation at a quake-stricken atomic power plant also remains grave.
Japan is experiencing its greatest hardships since World War II as it tackles the aftermath of an earthquake, tsunami and a growing nuclear crisis.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

My Pretty Girls

I found these photographs in my camera.

Word Splash


- It is NOT a worm.
- six legs
- body is divided into three parts - head, thorax, abdomen
- exoskeleton as outer coverings
- antennae
- no backbone (invertebrates)

Life Cycle
- Four stages:
1. Egg
2. Larva (mealworm). Shed its exoskeleton and known as moulting.
3. Pupa
4. Adult (beetle)
- Goes through complete metamorphosis.
Metamorphosis is the change in both appearance and character.

Food Source
- prey for the predators e.g. birds, fish, reptiles
- Why? Mealworms are high in protein.
What do mealworms eat?
- Fresh oats
- Extract water source from potato, carrot and apple.
Scavengers as they eat bodies of dead insects too.
*Scavengers eat whatever food they can find e.g. vultures and crows.

- nocturnal (active at night)
- prefer a dark environment such as under the rocks. Why? Feel safe from the predators.
- warm environment


Sunday, March 6, 2011

English Topical Test 1

The results for your English Papers are finally out.

We are collating the results for Paper 1 and Paper 2.
The total marks is 60.

1st: 57
2nd: 55.5
3rd: 55

They are all BOYS!

Girls, it's time to work harder and win the top three positions in class! ^_^

Keep up the good work.

Miss Leong

Science Topical Test 2

Miss Tan had kindly sms-ed me your results for Science Topical Test 2.
I have 3 pupils who scored 40 (first in position), 1 pupils who scored 39 (second in position) and 1 who scored 38.5 (third).

I'm VERY proud of one boy. He had shown drastic improvement in his result.
I will reveal who is this boy I'm referring to on Monday.
Excellent job!
For this test, I would give certificates for those who are in fourth position as they scored 38 marks out of 40. I think they deserve the recognition too.
Some of you may receive more than one certificate on Monday! ^_*
This class showed improvement as compared to the Science Topical Test 1.
I have 36 of you scoring A and above.
*11 claps for yourselves*

See you soon.

Have fun guessing!

Miss Leong

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mathematics Topical Test 2

Hi Everyone,

I'm here to give you some hints on your Mathematics Topical Test 2 results.
I'm really impressed with most of you as this time round, I have 27 of you scoring A*!
34 of you scored A and above.
Are you excited to know who are the 14 who scored FULL marks?
As promised, your hard effort will always be rewarded.

*drum rolls*

I will present the certificates to the 14 Maths experts in our class on Monday.

Are you looking forward to Monday?


1. 6 girls and 8 boys scored FULL marks.
2. Let's recall who were the 7 who scored full marks in Topical Test 1.
The 3 girls: Penny, Ruoyun and Yee Ann.
The 4 boys: Kavan, Jing Siong, Shawn and Joel
Hmm.. I'm sad to inform you that none of the 3 girls mentioned above scored full marks this time round.
Isn't this exciting?
Competition is stiff in this class.
Only 2 of the 4 boys mentioned above maintained their perfect results and continued to be number 1 in this class.
Who are they? ^_*
It had to be ... JOEL!
Excellent job!
Who's the other? ^_^

Miss Leong

To Causeway Point

Pei Yi and Jing Siong wanted to get the storybook, Thea Stilton and The Cherry Blossom Adventure. They asked if I'm free to join them so I agreed to accompany them to Popular bookshop to get the storybook.

After that, we went to the library to borrow some books on insects.


Thanks for the invitation.

Friday, March 4, 2011

To The Singapore Science Centre

The Venus Flytrap

Oh, I forgot to post these photographs up. ^_^

I'm sure all of you have learnt more about insects and it had been an enriching experience.