Monday, March 7, 2011

Word Splash


- It is NOT a worm.
- six legs
- body is divided into three parts - head, thorax, abdomen
- exoskeleton as outer coverings
- antennae
- no backbone (invertebrates)

Life Cycle
- Four stages:
1. Egg
2. Larva (mealworm). Shed its exoskeleton and known as moulting.
3. Pupa
4. Adult (beetle)
- Goes through complete metamorphosis.
Metamorphosis is the change in both appearance and character.

Food Source
- prey for the predators e.g. birds, fish, reptiles
- Why? Mealworms are high in protein.
What do mealworms eat?
- Fresh oats
- Extract water source from potato, carrot and apple.
Scavengers as they eat bodies of dead insects too.
*Scavengers eat whatever food they can find e.g. vultures and crows.

- nocturnal (active at night)
- prefer a dark environment such as under the rocks. Why? Feel safe from the predators.
- warm environment


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