Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Acrostic Poem @ Elict

I was reading the poems posted by all of you and am VERY impressed with them. ^_^

Let me share some of them with you.

Title of Poem: Game

Ghost in the house

Are so scary

My mother was scared

Even she is older than me

-by Penny

Title of Poem : Fish

Fishes are cute,

I really love them.

Spotty,colourful and plain,

Hey,let's get one!

-by Keona

Title of Poem : Colour

Corals are blue

Oceans are blue

Lagoons are blue

Orchids are colourful

Umbrellas are colourful

Rainbow over the sky is colourful

-by Celeste

Title of Poem : Hockey

Hockey is good exercise

Ouch! I got hit

Come and play

Kind of ruff

Evening of hockey

Yoch! I got checked

-by Eejay

Title of Poem : Beyblade

Buy Beyblades

Eh,how come Beyblades so expensive?

Yeah!I have one Beyblade!

Beyblades are fun and interesting!

Learning how to launch my beyblade

A Beyblade consists of five parts

Do my homework then play with my Beyblade

Eh,I can challenge my Beyblades with my friends

-by Wei Guang

Title of Poem : Test

Try your best

Encourange yourself

Set a good goal

To do the best you can!

-by Joel

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