Sunday, June 5, 2011

ELICT website (June Holiday Homework)

I've received a lot of questions with regards to your June Holiday homework.

Here's the step-by-step guide.

Enter your userid and password when you see this screen.

2. You will then see this page when you log in.

3. Your first task is to respond to "follow-up activities" of stories (at least 2 stories)

Click on "Stories" and you will see

4. Choose Thematic and you will see the screen listing all the themes.

Choose either one theme e.g. Plants and Animals.

Move your mouse to the 4 small pictures / stories and choose the ones under LP (Lower Primary). You may attempt UP (Upper Primary) ones if you are comfortable with it too. ^_^

E.g. I click on Pigeon and Skipper (LP)

You will be directed to a new page for you to read the story on Pigeon and Skipper. ^_*

After reading, please scroll down and you will see this screen.

Choose a question to answer.

E.g. What did you learn from this story.
Click on the box indicating "Click here to share your views".
You will be directed to this page.

After filling in all the boxes, click on "submit". ^_*

Now, you have completed task 1. Remember to do for at least 2 stories.

I shall explain more on tasks 2 to 4 tomorrow.
Stay tuned.

Good luck!

Miss Leong

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