Monday, July 11, 2011

Term 3 Read To Inspire

1. Alex, the Alley Cat

Alex, the alley cat, had no home. He was left out on the street to roam. Nobody ever seemed to care how cold poor Alex was out there.
Sometimes he had nothing to eat; not even fish or thrown out meat.
He seemed so grumpy everyday. He never smiled or liked to play.
When others came, he ran away. Life was not easy as a stray.
Poor Alex slept out on the ground. Perhaps that's why he always frowned.
He wished his life would turn around but loneliness was all he found.
But one day, Alex found a friend. His loneliness had reached its end. She cared for him and held him near. She warmed his heart with love and cheer.
She gave him food and kept him warm and made sure he was safe from harm. She rocked him in a big brown chair, and treated him with love and care.
No longer was he cold and scared. He found someone who really cared. A friendship made him kind, not wild. He often purred and always smiled! A little kindness changes things. What happiness and joy it brings. When someone is sad and blue, do something kind to help them through.

2. Muz and Mars

Muz dreamed of spaceships since he was a little boy. He longed to be an astronaut, to fly among the stars. He told his friends about his hopes, but they just put him down. They said that Muz would never get a spaceship off the ground. Most people don't believe in dreams when they are very grand.
And Muz's dream were grand indeed, they rose above the Earth. To fly among the stars; that was what Muz longed to do, but it seemed no one else believed that his dreams could come true.
Beginning to lose hope, he asked his father for advice. His father said that anything worthwhile comes at a price, but if you have a dream that you believe with all your might, you must not ever give up.
Do all you can to make it work, believe in what you do. Your heart can be the difference that can make your dreams come true. Now Muz found his father's words gave him a greater hope. When others laughed at Muz's dreams, he found a way to cope.
He kept on moving forward. He became an astronaut. He never let go of his dreams. He pressed on and he fought. He helped design a spaceship that could fly him to the stars, and with that ship, he was the first to ever land on Mars.
As Muz reached his dream, he thought of what his father said. When you want something bad enough, you have to keep your head. You cannot let what people say deter you from your goal. You have to trust yourself, believing with your heart and soul.
Don't ever give up on your dreams. Don't ever quit on you. It takes determination to make any dream come true.

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